Yainvest — actions speak louder than words.

Boost client retention and grow assets under management by harnessing third-generation behavioral finance. 

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Proven results

Empower your clients to avoid their irrational blindspots and achieve demonstrably higher returns.


Data is worth a thousand words. Your clients’ actions say more about them than words ever could.

Robust science

The first and only client profiling and investment advice engine that is ready to combine artificial intelligence (AI) and behavioral finance.

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Behavioral finance, built for the real world

The science and knowhow that powers Yainvest is used by some of the leading financial service providers, financial institutions and ecosystem players globally.
your benefit

Know your clients, Grow your assets.

Yainvest empowers you to know your clients better, help them act smarter, and boost your assets under management.

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Protect returns

Help your clients achieve better performance by eliminating the behavioral gap, unlocking additional returns.

Grow assets under management

By boosting client confidence, profits are more likely to be reinvested, leading to increased assets under management.

Strengthen client engagement and loyalty

Create a hyper-personalized user experience that reflects the true values, preferences and risk attitude of your clients to foster loyalty and increase customer lifetime value.

Boost client confidence

Give clients greater peace of mind by protecting them from their cognitive biases, and providing a more personalized service and recommendations that closely fit their preferences. 

Proven science, applied

Gain an edge and glean actionable insights from over 20 years of research by some of Europe’s foremost behavioral finance experts.

Focus and independence

Swiss-based and independent, we are a behavioral finance company, not an asset management company, so you do not need to work with a strategic competitor.

Uninterrupted Access to Your Funds, Guaranteed

Entrepreneurs, freelancers, and service providers that use DigiPay always enjoy peace of mind with the fastest payout in the industry.

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Instant Payouts
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Robust Analytics
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Personalized White-Glove Service
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Easily Searchable Transactions
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The products

Third-generation behavioral finance in action

Create hyper-personalized investment products with our plug-and-play, cloud-ready SaaS modules for wealth managers, banks and other financial service providers.

The Profilers

Know your clients better than they know themselves

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Behavioral Finance Client Profiler

Actions speak louder than words. To understand your client, go directly to the source. Gain a more accurate perception of their needs and risk preferences.

Fully compliant with relevant regulations such as the UK FCA, FIDLEG, and MiFID II suitability tests and already used by 12 prominent banks and portfolio managers throughout the globe. Now available as a convenient, API-based microservice that can be integrated with your existing dashboard, user interface and upstream advisory systems.

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Investor Behavioural Impact (IBI)™️

Are you satisfied with ‘good enough’ investment decisions or do you crave perfection and precision? Even your most experienced portfolio managers might be unknowingly relying on gut instinct and heuristics (mental shortcuts) that lead to missed opportunities and reduced returns.

Research indicates that behavioural biases can diminish portfolio returns by up to 6% annually. The solution developed from 10+ years of research to help wealth managers like you pinpoint and address the exact behavioural biases hindering your portfolio performance — quantifying losses and empowering you to take control of your strategy.

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Don't offer your clients what they think they want, but what they actually want.

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Product and SAA Risk Mapping Engine

Help your clients cut through the noise and get straight to the most suitable investment products and strategies

that match their unique profile, individual goals and risk tolerance. Define an optimized strategic asset allocation (SAA) across all classes.

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TAA and Product Construction Engine

Create personalized investment products using tactical asset allocation (TAA) to outperform the market.

Gain access to market signals for TAA above that of SAA. Signals are generated based on a behavioral assessment of assets. The model can be applied to individual assets as well as an existing SAA and indices based on it have been shown to better anticipate, and recover faster from market drawdowns, thereby boosting performance.

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Behavioral ESG Profiler

Gain a better understanding of your clients’ ESG preferences by harnessing behavioral finance.

The Behavioral ESG Profiler consists of a questionnaire with a minimum of 3 questions that explores your client’s views on ESG in terms of their personal opinions and investment activities. Try it now and discover your ESG profile in just 3 minutes.

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Consultancy and advisory services

Are you looking for a tailored solution?

Would you like to harness behavioral finance to boost your performance, but do not see a product that fits your exact needs? We also offer bespoke behavioral finance solutions that can be tailored to the unique needs of your organization. Simply contact us below to discuss the options. 

The Science

What is third-generation behavioral finance?

Behavioral finance examines how psychological influences, client preferences, and cognitive biases can affect our financial behavior, including our investment decisions.


The 'logical' era

In the 1980s, first-generation behavioral finance showed how cognitive biases can lead clients to invest poorly. It transformed our understanding of finance, but relied on lab experiments that did not fully capture the real world, and tended to view any investor preference other than profit maximization as “illogical”. Investors were exclusively categorized by risk-tolerance, through terms like “conservative”, “moderate” or “aggressive”.


The return of emotion

Second-generation behavioral finance accepts that investors have legitimate preferences beyond return, such as the emotional benefit of investing in green energy or the social status of investing in fine art. It also acknowledges that an individual’s attitude to risk can differ depending on personal preferences. Investors began to be profiled in greater depth to include a wider range of criteria — e.g. impact investor, green investor, or growth investor.


Integration at scale

The coming, third-generation of behavioral finance will use AI to track each client’s actions and identify their preferences, biases and personal attitude to risk. It will then use personalized social nudging to help each individual avoid their biases and maximize their long-term financial wellbeing.

Talk to our experts to discover more about how behavioral finance can benefit your business. 


In sync with your clients, in sync with the markets

Create a dynamic, data-driven product offering that automatically adjusts to client preferences and market conditions.


Gain a more multifaceted and nuanced understanding of your client’s individual preferences and attitude to risk through data analysis to build a more personalized, relevant and engaging investment experience.

Continuously adaptive

Our third-generation behavioral finance engine builds a constantly adapting profile of your client based on contemporaneous data sets, while steering them away from their cognitive biases using social nudging.

instant clock

From art to science: We have operationalized decades of advancements in the field of behavioral finance into powerful, robust and scalable quantitative algorithms.

instant clock
Solid mathematical foundation

Maximize your client’s satisfaction with their investment strategy by harnessing a model that incorporates their investment temperament, attitude towards volatility, and resilience to losses.

Dr. Enrico De Giorgi

“The fusion of behavioral finance and mathematical models not only taps into the intricacies of human psychology but also employs quantitative precision to comprehend and quantify each individual's financial personality.”

Dr. Enrico De Giorgi
Co-founder and Board Member, Yainvest

Who is Yainvest?

The story behind our firm

Yainvest was established by Behavioural Finance Solutions (BhFS), a successful spin-off of the Universities of St. Gallen and Zurich. BhFS clients include UBS, Credit Suisse, pension funds, and established fintechs.

Insights & News

Discover how third-generation behavioral finance is being used by wealth managers and financial service providers to enrich their customer experience and increase their profitability.

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The Growth & Compliance Blueprint: Elevate AUM, enhance client engagement, and protect your business.

Investors are not always rational—emotions, biases, and psychological tendencies often influence their decisions. As wealth managers, it's crucial to recognize and guide clients through these behaviours to achieve better financial results.

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Unowa and Yainvest: From schools to the prosperous future, we take action to foster Financial Inclusion in Emerging Markets

July 17, 2024 - Lisbon/Baar/Astana - We are excited to announce a new collaboration between Yainvest, a leading innovator in applied behavioral finance technologies for wealth management, and Unowa, a recognized provider of inclusive educational solutions. Together, we are launching new inclusive educational courses that will teach Swiss wealth management know-how in primary schools in developing markets.

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Etops and Yainvest Announce Partnership to increase Trust and Transparency through Improved Risk Profiles.

April 30, 2024 – Cham/Baar/London – Etops, a leading financial services provider, and Yainvest, a third-generation behavioural finance profiling and risk engine, are excited to announce their strategic partnership aimed at redefining the landscape of wealth management services.

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The Second Generation of Behavioral Finance

Too frequently, investors — amateurs and professionals alike — unknowingly fall prey to their best investing intentions.

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The science behind behavioural coaching

Investing is constantly accompanied by strong emotions: Worry about the future, euphoria, fear – of losses or of missing out on lucrative trends.

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Mind the Gap: A report on investor returns in the U.S.

The persistent gap between the returns investors actually experience and reported total returns makes cash flow timing one of the most significant factors.

Client Success Stories

Our Valuable Client Collaborations

John S.

DigiPay has revolutionized the way we handle payments. The instant payout and exceptional security give us peace of mind, and our clients appreciate the seamless experience.

John S.

Sarah l.

We've expanded our global reach with DigiPay, accepting payments in various currencies. It's been a game-changer for our e-commerce business.

Sarah L.

Michael R.

The support team at DigiPay is top-notch. Whenever we've had questions or needed assistance, they've been there, 24/7, to help us out.

Michael R.

Emily W.

DigiPay's user-friendly interface and robust reporting tools have made managing our finances a breeze. It's become an integral part of our operations.

Emily W.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to our most commonly asked questions.

How investment return protection is defined and measured?
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Firstly, we would like to clarify that this does not refer to classical alpha. The goal is to help investors generate the returns already offered by the market, but that they currently do not take. Whether clients receive advice or not, behavioral biases often cause them to allocate assets in a way that underperforms the market. This is what the New York Times columnist Carl Richards calls the Behavior Gap. The goal of Yainvest is to debias investor decisions to reduce this gap. Studies show that such behavioral factors can range from 3 to 6%.

One recent study of Robinhood clients showed how the attention bias, or tendency to focus on attention-grabbing stocks, causes a 5% loss monthly. Similarly, a Berkeley analysis showed that the overconfidence bias can lead to excessive trading, causing annual losses of 3%.

What are the practical applications of behavioral finance?
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The applications of Yainvest include the following:

  • Design of savings & investments products:
    - UX nudging - for example, research suggests that people make decisions based on the value of losses or gains rather than the final outcome. Yainvest enables you to display this information in the UX to guide their decision.
    - Product design - for example, attempts to encourage people to save more towards retirement were largely unsuccessful until Richard Thaler and Shlomo Benartzi proposed Save More Tomorrow, a system where employees can opt in advance to gradually increase their savings rates over time.  
  • Insights:
    Understand how capital market movements affect the price of financial instruments.
  • Client profiling:
    By understanding a person’s behavioral characteristics in the context of financial services, you can design more personalized investment management products and make better asset allocation decisions.
What are cognitive biases?
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Behavioral finance has shown that as humans, we are susceptible to biases which cause us to take decisions that are not in our economic self-interest. In investment scenarios in which we have limited mental capacity and are faced with complex information, we can be led astray in many ways. For example, we may succumb to the urge to cherry pick evidence to convince ourselves that we were “right all along” about our favorite stock — confirmation bias. Or we might continue to hold on to depreciating assets that have no realistic prospects of growing in value because we are unable to see past the initial price we paid — anchoring bias. Of course, these two highly simplified examples of cognitive biases are just a drop in the ocean: over the course of decades of research, over 150 others have been identified.

What is user interface (UI) nudging?
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UI nudging is a design approach that seeks to subtly guide users towards better choices, without limiting their options. This may be achieved through the ordering, sizing, design and color of graphical elements. Yainvest can be used to incorporate nudging into money management interfaces and dashboards so that wealth managers or end clients can avoid their cognitive biases and achieve higher returns.

Is Yainvest a standalone interface, a SaaS solution or an API?
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The Yainvest Profiler and Product Matchmaker have an embedded front-end (white-labeled iframe widget) and are also accessible via an open API. It can be deployed on-premises as a microservice, or be accessed via a SaaS service in the cloud. The Yainvest Financial Advice Engine can be custom-made to suit your data sets and unique operational environment. We are also creating a front-end featuring UI nudging for demonstration purposes.

Better behavioral finance at scale

Harness the power of behavioral finance to create an unbeatable customer experience and increase your assets under management. Yainvest will make investing more personalized, engaging and fruitful for your clients, and more automated and profitable for you.

Discover how personalized behavioral finance at scale can transform your business.


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Behavioural Coach for Retail Clients

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